Day Camp at the Y

  • Important – Parents please double check your authorized pickups are correct as this information does not cross over from after school or other programs to summer camp
  • All camp registrations must be paid in full at the time of registration.
  • There is a one-time $30 non-refundable fee for all camps
  • Children who are registered for camp NEED to be members to get the member cost. 


  • Registration opens ONLINE ONLY for members and community on April 1, 2025, at 6:00 a.m. If you need to use a computer, we will have a couple available for use. Please note, there may be a wait.
  • Registration IN-HOUSE April 8, 2025, at 6:00 a.m.

Register early to get a spot as programs fill very quickly and to avoid any late fees for camp! Late fees begin the Monday before each week of camp.


Families who receive financial assistance which is current & active can register online. Children who are registered for camp NEED to be members to get the member cost. If you apply for a scholarship and you are notified you are awarded one YOU MUST COME INTO THE Y TO ACCEPT IT.


  • All camps will run from June 16 - August 22 
  • No preschool camps or specialty camps will be offered this summer. 
  • We do not accept best beginnings.
  • We ask that parents please download the Remind App. as this is our mass communication piece for parents. 
  • Parents please double check your authorized pickups are correct as this information does not cross over from afterschool or other programs to summer camp. 
  • Each traditional camper will receive one camp shirt AFTER parent handbook form is signed and turned into the youth development director. Please have your camper wear their T-shirt on field trip days. 

  Please see all camp options below.                                                                                                                                                                          


Kinder Camp (Ages: Children entering Kindergarten. Full Day Camp)

Campers will participate in themed weekly activities, swim lessons and more!


Open category

Traditional Camp (Grades: 1-6. Full Day Camp)

Traditional Day Camp includes exciting field trips, swimming, trips to local parks and weekly themed activities!  


Open category

Sports Camp (Age: Grades K-10-Half Day Camp)

Sports Camps have a new look this year!  All skill levels are welcome!  Sports Camp is geared towards 5th-10th grade and Youth Sports Camps is K-6 These are half day camp Mon-Thurs.

Open category

Fitness Camps (Ages: 8-16. M-W only)

These fitness and sport mini camps offer a great way for your athlete's desire to stay well rounded all year!

Open category

Dance & Cheer (Ages: 3-12. M-W only)

Our dance and cheer mini camps will bring the energy! Ages 3-12

Open category

Scuba Camp (Ages 8-12)

Half Day Camp.

Scuba Dave and his crew from Adventure Scuba will be the hosts of this under water good time. At the end of this week campers will be officially seal team certified.

Learn More