Our most popular group exercise classes are available virtually for our members at no cost.  We have updated audio and visual equipment to make your workout the highest quality from the comfort of your own home.

Regular exercise is one component of a healthy lifestyle that can help reduce stress and prevent illness. While we would love to see you at the Y, we honor and respect each individual’s choice with regard to your health. If you are practicing social distancing, we support this decision and have a variety of at-home exercise options for you to try with our virtual class options! 

The Billings Family YMCA uses a TeamUp, a free online platform that makes scheduling and attending virtual classes easier for you! Follow the simple steps below to create your account and start attending classes today. If you have any questions along the way please give us a call at 248-1685 and our staff will help you get your account set up.

 Enter your email address and sign up for your free TeamUp account.

Get Started

Once you have successfully logged into your TeamUp account, click the Memberships link in the toolbar at the top of the page.

You will be prompted to “buy a membership.  Click here, but once you enter the YMCA member promo code at checkout there will be no fees.


PLEASE NOTE: If you need to receive your YMCA member code please call us at 248-1685.  Our staff will verify your membership and provide the necessary code.

Once you have “purchased” your membership, you will be able to attend all of your favorite Y group x classes!

Simply “book” a class and when it’s time for the class to begin you will have access to the live feed.


PLEASE NOTE: You will not be able to book a class once it has already started.