
Please review our new potty-training guidelines below before dropping your child off. 

Child Watch is designed for members with a Family Membership. This popular program provides a safe and fun environment for children while parents are exercising or participating in YMCA programs. The Child Watch Program is available for up to 3 hours per day whether you are in or out of building. Child watch is a peanut free zone. Authorized pickups must be listed and can be 16yrs or older.

ChildWatch is designed for members with a family membership and serves ages 8 weeks to 11 years of age. The program is available for up to 3 hours total per day.

Registration and Fees
Registration is free with a family membership at the YMCA. Participants must be registered online or in house and parents must provide up-to-date immunization records prior to starting. NO EXEMPTIONS. Immunization records may be emailed/faxed/or brought in.

Protecting children is a priority at the Billings Family YMCA. Therefore, our ChildWatch policy is that all participating children must be vaccinated. We will not accept any exemptions for immunizations (this includes medical/religious exemptions and immunization delays). The policy is in place due to the nature of our ChildWatch program being a drop-in center, with a wide age range of children and having hundreds of children circulate through this program weekly.

Out of Building care may be provided for $5 an hour per child for up to 3 hours per day while parent/guardian is out of the facility. Members must have an out of building form and payment method on file prior to using out of building care. Out-of-building time is included in the total 3 hours provided for the day.

Child Provisions
Parents must send items their child(ren) may need while at ChildWatch: diapers, wipes, change of clothes, snacks (NO PEANUT PRODUCTS), drinks, and weather appropriate clothing. If proper provisions are not provided ChildWatch staff will call parent/guardian, or child may be sent home.


****At any time, the YMCA may choose to terminate your child’s involvement with the YMCA. 


Potty Training Policy

Children 3 or older: ChildWatch staff will not wipe or change soiled cloth underwear when assisting with potty training. If accidents occur in cloth underwear parents will be called to change their child. If no extra clothing is available, the child will be sent home. We do suggest sending your child in a pull up for easier transition in potty training. ChildWatch staff will change your child if they soil a pull-up. 

Children 2 and under: ChildWatch staff will assist with potty training and will change out accidents. We ask that parents provide extra clothing. If extra clothing is not provided, the parents will be contacted immediately. If accidents occur on a regular basis parents will be asked to bring the child in a pull up.